בית כנסת (מניינים וזמני תפילה)

by J-Aִִpps

Maps & Navigation


***The information in the application is sent by the users and is their sole responsibility and is intended for public use. The use of the application is at the sole responsibility of the user. Do not copy or make any other use of the information.***Manainin app - looking for a synagogue in the area? Which one is near you? Prayer times in Tel Aviv? Prayer lists in Eilat? Are you from Raanana? Are you from Tiberias? Are you from Beer Sheva?✡ Find synagogues and minyans near the current location using the application.✡ Search options for a synagogue or minyan in other areas.✡ Search in the application by address or using a dynamic map.✡ Search for minyans, prayer times and additional information.✡ Adding synagogues and updating prayer times using a convenient interface - easily and quickly.✡ Possibility of sharing synagogues and minyans with contacts.✡ Halachic times - Halachic times of the day according to the location.✡ Prayer compass - Jerusalem direction. Finding the prayer direction based on GPS. ► If you enjoyed it - please rate the app, add prayer details and share with friends ► ► Many thanks to everyone who rates with 5 stars ►***The information in the application is sent by the users and is their sole responsibility and is intended for public use. The use of the application is at the sole responsibility of the user. Do not copy or make any other use of the information.***Todays times are taken from the KosherJava website. Use of the application is subject to Googles terms and conditions at this link: https://policies.google.com/termsSearch Minyanim ✡ Find a shul near me ✡ Find minyan near me ✡ Minyan information